run_primer_blastn {rCRUX}R Documentation

Runs blastn with the input primer sequences converted to a primer_fasta file as a query


Runs blastn with the input primer sequences converted to a primer_fasta file as a query


  ncbi_bin = NULL,
  task = "blastn-short",
  word_size = 7,
  evalue = "3e+07",
  align = "10000000",
  coverage = 90,
  perID = 50,
  reward = 2



path to the primer fasta file


a path to a directory / or directories containing one or more blast-formatted database. For multiple blast databases, separate them with a space and add an extra set of quotes. (e.g blast_db_path <- "/my/ncbi_nt/nt" or blast_db_path <- '"/my/ncbi_nt/nt /my/ncbi_ref_euk_rep_genomes/ref_euk_rep_genomes"')


is the path to blast+ tools if not in the user's path. Specify only if blastn and blastdbcmd are not in your path. The default is ncbi_bin = NULL - if not specified in path do the following: ncbi_bin = "/my/local/ncbi-blast-2.10.1+/bin/".


the task for blastn to perform - default here is "blastn_short", which is optimized for searches with queries < 50 bp


is the fragment size used for blastn search - smaller word sizes increase sensitivity and time of the search. The default is word_size = 7


is the number of expected hits with a similar quality score found by chance. The default is evalue = '3e-7'.


is the maximum number of subject hits to return per query blasted. The default is align = '10000000'. - to few alignments will result in no matching pairs of forward and reverse primers. To many alignments can result in an error due to RAM limitations.


is the minimum percent of the query length recovered in the subject hits. The default is coverage = 90.


is the minimum percent identity of the query relative to the subject hits. The default is perID = 50.


is the reward for nucleotide match. The default is reward = 2.


Calls blastn with a primer fasta file as the query. The user can not add additional search parameters, but can modify the available parameters.

run_primer_blastn takes a fasta file containing primers, uses blastn-short to query them to a blast formatted database. The result is an output table with the following columns of data: qseqid (query subject id), sgi (subject gi), saccver (subject accession version), mismatch (number of mismatches between the subject a query), sstart (subject start), send (subject end), staxids (subject taxids).

Information about the blastn parameters can be found by accessing blastn -help and at NCBI.

Note: The number of alignments returned for a given blast search is hardcoded at "-num_alignments 10000000".


a tibble 'output_table' representing the blastn results

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